Hello 2024 (I’m a bit late)

Hi folks.  It’s well into 2024 by now so I am a little slow with this site update.

I would like to apologise in advance for the lack of new content lately.  I’ve had some pretty rough times with my health over the past couple of years and the end of last year saw me hit absolute rock bottom.

It’s been almost a year since my dear friend passed away from cancer and that too has played hard on my mental health.  She was helping me with photos when out and out about exploring but that has sadly come to and end.

Needless to say I have not really been out and about much the past 12 months so new content has been hard to come by.  I’ve been trying to add some of my other interests to the site with the addition of the anime section so I can talk about some of the anime that I have enjoyed.  There are hundreds in my watched list so I won’t be writing about everything but sometimes one will leave me with a profound desire to talk about it and this is my best way to do that.

I am really hoping to get back to some of my passions in the future so please don’t write me off just yet.  It might take a while to find the camera’s battery charger but it’s here and ready to go on my next adventure whenever that may be.

Meanwhile I hope everyone who has been supportive over the years can continue to enjoy my content and have a safe and fabulous 2024.



Photo by Jingda Chen on Unsplash


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Posted in General Interest.

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